Most of Atari's color vector
games use a custom integrated circuit in the
Analog Vector Generator (AVG) to handle memory
addressing and stack functions. This chip (known
as the "Address Controller" or the part
number "137179-001") is no longer
available as new replacement part from Atari or
any distributors. Since these custom chips have
been failing with increasing frequency over the
years, I have produced a replacement to help keep
those color vector games running. The board pictured at left is simply
plugged into the 40-pin AVG chip socket on a
Space Duel, Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Major
Havoc, Gravitar, Black Widow, or Quantum circuit
board and functions as a 100% equivalent to the
original chip.
- Field tested and best
selling. Hundreds sold and running since
introduction back in 1999!
- 100% compatible with
original 137179-001 IC's
- Quality construction using
high reliability surface mount technology
and hot-air reflow assembly.
- Full soldermask on both
sides of the circuit board to help
prevent shorts and damage to your
expensive, original game boards. No cheap
unmasked PCB's here!
- Lowest integrated circuit
count to help reduce MTBF.
- Two diagnostic LEDs give
visual status of internal AVG operation
at a glance.
- Gold plated, square
mounting pins ensure maximum surface
contact and strongest connection to
original Atari IC sockets
The AVG Chip Replacement is
priced at $30 each.