Since 1996 I've been building and selling various
upgrade kits, reproduction parts, and replacement
electronic assemblies for arcade video games. As
some of you may or may not know, over the last five
years I've been running a couple of my own companies as
well as being one of the owners of
Ground Kontrol
in Portland, OR. Over the last few years I've been
involved with many commercial arcade game systems (the
Midway, Golden Tee, and Konami systems from Big
Electronic Games, the Ultimate Arcade 2 and Arcade
Legends machines from Chicago Gaming Co., the Taito and
SNK/NeoGeo machines from JazWares, etc.) and between
consulting and our arcade my free time gets smaller and
smaller each year.
I've been trying to support the old classic arcade
designs through as best I can by batching
things up into groups that are produced 2-3 times a
year. That makes for pretty long wait times
though, so depending on when people ordered it was kinda
luck of the draw if they got their stuff shipped in a
timely manner or not.
Alas, tax season this year made the numbers pretty
clear-- the gross income from was
contributing ~1.3% of my earnings for the year but was
taking up every weekend I had (and then some). There's
just not enough time to go around.
So, I'm afraid that my temporary solution of
discontinuing my older kits is now a permanent one.
The MultiJAMMA will remain in production in its present
form for a few more months and will be replaced with a
new design thereafter which will be mass produced and
sold through resellers (getting me out of the receive
order/build units/test systems/ship product loop which
is so time consuming).
I'll continue to work through my "todo list" and ship
all outstanding orders in the queue. I'm working
on the Williams Multigames and another batch of
MultiJAMMAs at the moment.
Thanks for your patronage and support over the
years-- I'm still available for hire for product
development and engineering services (arcade related or
not) through my "real job":
Engineering, LLC.
I'll continue to document and update the website as
events merit-- mostly just the "Hacks" and "Misc."
sections to the left.
-Clay 5/29/2007
Now you can easily switch between up to eight
different JAMMA games in your JAMMA cabinet without
having to disconnect cables and circuit boards. You
just press a button and the next game appears on-screen!